Synergistic Teaching in Active Learning

Synergetic comes from word “synergy” means cooperation of two more things to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Furthermore, Silberman in “101 Methods in Teaching Active Learning” which proposes that this method as the part of active learning is giving students widely opportunity to compare their learning experiences which taken by different techniques in the same material.
Regarding to the definition above researcher compose that Synergistic teaching this is strategy that merges two trick study that different. This strategy give chance to student for mutually gets studying production sharing of same material by one in contrast to compare their note.
The use of synergistic is due to the strengths as well as weaknesses of single theory based methods. Applying a single theory of teaching has been criticized because the use of a limited number of techniques can become mechanic. Teachers can adopt every good idea and leave the door open for all further developments. The multiple line of method embodies the synergistic principle that tries then to absorb the best techniques of all well-known language learning methods into the classroom procedures using them for the purpose for which they are most appropriate.

1)      The Role of Teacher and Students
Teacher is considered as a facilitator who facilitates the learner, as a guide who guides the students, as a slightly higher rank official who uses his authority to conduct the class and make the process of teaching and learning systematic. While, students are seen by us as the center of teaching learning activities. Their participation is very important. Therefore, teacher will always try to involve them. As well as the student's role in class should be cooperative and they will be allowed to communicate, self-correct each other and ask questions about the substance provided for teaching learning activities. Therefore, teachers play an active and direct role. They are considered as directors of a stage while students are considered as actors. Teachers of course, to be well prepared and well organized so that the lesson flows smoothly and predictably

2)     The Main Principles of Synergistic Strategy
                Based on several assumptions of about Synergistic strategy by Al-Khulli, writer has formulated the following principles:
(a)   Giving teachers a broadly opportunity to choose different kinds of teaching techniques in two groups in class to reach the aims of the lesson.
(b)  Flexibility in choosing any aspect of method that teachers think suitable for teaching inside the classroom without restricted in only one method.
(c)   Giving an opportunity to students to see different kinds of teaching techniques that break monotony, dull on one hand, and ensure better understanding for the material on the other hand. 
(d)  Solving difficulties concerning presenting the language material in the students’ textbook.
(e)   Using different kinds of teaching aids which leads to better understanding,
(f)    Efficient and saving a lot of time and effort in presenting language activities.

3)      Description of the Procedure
Here the following procedures on teaching synergistic strategy:
a) Divide class as two groups.
b) Move group first goes to class any other or other place that do not enable they listen your college to read reading of topic who you will teach. Ensure that reading can be understood with every consideration and according to time which you utilize lecturing.
c) In same time, pass on that material to second group with discourse strategy at brazes.
d) After is finished, ask for student / college student for coupled with previous friend accepts the lesson with different way. Agglomerate member one will look for friend of group member two.
e) Both requested to merge studying result that they gets by different way that.
f) Ask for some bodies to pass on their studying result or answers question that you passes on.

g) Giving explanation in each students’ answer / unclear college student.