Most of us in everyday always need new and currently news or recent hot gossip. It's very simple to get it, because we just read news in daily news, in internet or magazine, and we can get information with only one acces. Other from that, we also can get information from wathcing on television like watch news in TV One, Metro TV or RCTI, and we also can listen on radio for get some of news today. But did you know how to get the information? One way to get the information is with interview. Interview is one of method to collecting news, taksasi, or fact in the field. Prosses might be carried such as direct with face to face with informant. But, we also can get information with telephone, internet or from letter. Interview is one process communication interactional between person ( journalist or some people that have occupation to search new news or news up to date) and the other people (in this meaning, people who have information about something / resource person). Interview is one of type to socialization with certain main problem.

Interview usually is exchange of spoken face to face, people stand in the front of the other people and the journalist express poisonous centipede that want they said with big voice. This is give interview as much as protif, because (a) respondent have bigger possibility for speaking than writing, (b) people become more motivation with presence the other people, and (c) exchange oral make in-effective muchly live opportunity for investigating, clarification answer, and hand over feed back. In this context, the journalist must have a lot of skills to support them in their occupation, such as: (a) interpersonal communication skills, (b) have a lot of knowledge or have learned the case or the topic before, (c) have ability to control informant emotion, and (d) have a lot technic and strategy to clear the air.

People inside an interviews have a connection interpersonal. Although the interviews variation certainly can serve up a ladleful people inside group. Generally, interview have three principal fungtion there are: (1) plan strategy, (2) bring about or straingten up interview, and (3) have prediction or measure the yield. Also, commonly interviews is have a lot of characteristic to complete the round news or for the get the accurate information, such as: (a) objetive not subjective, (b) presenting the balance news, and (c) effort to get the solutions of the problem.

A journalirt should be ready every time to carry out an interview their resource person. Besides it, for good interview the journalist must be prepare many things to support them in interview, there are:
a. Physical
Before holden an interview, the journalist must be in good condition (healthy) and also must have good stamina. In this occupation field, we not only to interview one person but many people, also we not only interview in schedule time (planning time) but in many time (we also interview informant without planning before, like when an accident, nature disaster and etc). So we must keep healthy because the first rate will influence realization interview is our health.
b. Way of thinking
Journalist must have a lot idea or way of thinking in one problem or news that they discuss about, if not surely they don't ready to carry out an interview with the informant, must we know that, in interview is have a lot of consequences in it process evenless to yield that will be riched. So, readiness thinking method is very important for journalist.
c. Roster question
Before enter in this field to make an interview face to face or via telephone. Journalist must have list of their question and surely must have connected with the topic that their covering about. So, the journalist should arrange their list of question. So that between the question one with the other question is have connecting that distinct.
d. Make the promise
Before make an interview, we must make a promise before with resource person. So, both of us ready to carry out an interview.
e. Write equipment and recording instrument
To make an interview, the journalist need a lot of thing to support them to get the news, one of thing that very useful to the journalist is write equipment that is a pen and book to write name, title, and numeral. Besides it, if we consider about practically and for get accurate news, the journalist also must have a recording instrument.

After think the preparation is okay, the next is the journalist begin to doing an interview, to make a good interview is include:
a. Come pass time.
b. Attention presentation.
c. Self introduction.
d. Problem introduction.
e. Start with simple question.
f. Listen carefully that what the informant says or what the informant explain about.
g. Don't be hesistent to file and addres a new question.
h. Before finish the interview, don't forget to say thanks for the informant.

The people goals to make an interview are:
- Get awarness about qualitative aspect from the problem.
- To collecting research taksasi: Information are collected to get explain or comprehension about a phenomena. Taksasi is collected with interview.