When we go to tour, i think we should prepare many things that may give us comfortable in there, one of them is know season of our destination. Season is exchange of weather at one region part that consist of four there are spring, summer, winter and fall at division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight. Season result from the yearly revolution of the earth around the sun, in temperate and polar regions, the season are marked by changes in the intensity of sunlight. in this world there are several season that occurred in the world and has certain moments season caused by differences in temperature or sunlight in each hemisphere.

The seasons divided into 4 periods there are spring, summer, autumn also called fall, and winter.
spring is transition period between winter and summer. Summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons, between spring and autumn. It is marked by the longest days and shortest nights. The season start on different dates in different cultures. In area of the tropics and subtropics, the wet season occurs during the summer. In the interior of continents, thunderstorm are most likely to produce hail during the afternoon and evening. Schools have a summer break to take advantage of the warmer weather and longer days.
Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, usually in march. Winter is the season having the shortest days and the lowest average temperatures, which have the coldest weather. The winter usually cold and wet winter are easy will not a lot of snow but sometimes there can be a lot of snow and blizzard. Different from other country, in tropic country especially Indonesia is only have two season there are dry season (kemarau) and rain season (penghujan).

Between season and travel is have a spesific relation because the weather is very determined you when you go to travel like when you go to one place, and you really want to go hang out but you must stay in your hotel because the situation is not good, like snow hurricane. So its not fault if sometimes people really consider the season of their destination place before going there. To get information about the weather situation, we can search in internet, we also can get information from the weather department, not only in that for get information about the weather today, in television or radio in the morning also give information about it, like in TVRI, SCTV, TV ONE, RCTI and etc. But remember the weather prediction is not always be happen, so its only to make you prepare to face the weather today.

In many culture, season exchange is have special meaning for their people, like in japan when spiring time come, they celebrate the sakura festival's. In Euro, people also celebrated the begining of spring. The begining of spring was often the beginning of the new year. So the season exchange is very determine to make a customs or events for the people in there. In Indonesia especially for people in java, they celebrated one ritual for asking rain in dry season, actually its only pagan rituals but most of tourist like western tourist is really excited to watch it, because for they, its a unique culture and very different from they culture. More than that, we also must know what should we do when we face different season. For Indonesian people, they usually find difficulty to adaption the weather especially in winter season because we never undergo this situation in our country. So we need bring many coat or jacket, because its very cold.

Many people reason to consider the season before go to tour, because the first they consider their and family health, because with season exchange, like in our country when rain season (pancaroba season) arrives, most of us is vital to influenced a lot of various disease carrier such as flu, stomatche, and etc. The second reason is easily to adaption the season because we have preparation before. The third reason is mix and match with what should we wear in there because its not funny, if we bring many tank top when fall season, i think you will be freeze.

Before go to travel and you dont ever face the season before, you should prepare a lot of things like medicine, coat or jacket, you too must have money for your health condition dont only trade on medicine because its not impossible if you influenced the disease as result from season exchange.