Most of people, when go travel to around sometimes find difficulty to find one destination, its very make annoyed and make your travel is feel bored. The one manner and very helper when we go to one place and we don't know their place is map. Map is a direction for us when you lost in the place, without map you will lost if you don't understand about the place. A map is a visual representation of an area, a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes. A map is a type of picture of an area as it may be seen from above. It will have symbols and other information to help make it easier to understand. A map can show the street that you live on or it can show the world. Maps will help people find their way from one place to another. It will also record all types of information about people, places, and things.

To be able to use maps, you must know how to read them. The language of a map is really quite simple. A good map will include instructions to help you understand them. Once you have become familiar with the language of maps, you will be able to use them to find out many things. One of the most basic uses of maps is to help you find specific places. All location is relative. You need a starting point. Everything else will be described as being a certain distance and direction from that point. The earth has two natural starting points. Many people reason to using maps because may give we some information to find place's and very easier and very practice to using it.
Some people use maps for help their occupation, like an archeology, when he want to find ancient place, the media that very support them is maps. Also, for the tour guide, pilot, car racer.

Maps is need a special skills to using it, because the information from maps is not like read a book but consist from a lot of symbols and if dont know the symbol terms, we can find difficulty to looking for one place. More than that, sometimes in maps information is not give clearly information, like not graft name of one place, and its may make we confuse to find the place. You also still need someone to answer you questions about the way, remember that if you read the maps incorrectly its mark that you in a wrong way. Map is consist of 2 type, the first type is book maps its a classic maps and only in paper format, and the other type op map is modern map, like mobile maps and maps site addres.
Its really easy to find your place because with this navigation, you only click your place and enter, after that you can find a lot of place that give you some information about your destination.


We can get a lot of maps with cheap price in many store but sometimes we need maps with new form and have classified, so if you want to know the maps price, just click on your PC "Harga Peta", and you can find a lot of site that may help you to give you description about maps price, not only that for mobile maps or navigation now available in many store in Indonesia although this product not so familiar with Indonesian people.

Before using maps, we should prepare a lot of things such as compass to help us to determine south and north, we also must have knowledge about maps reading because if we read incorrectly its meaning wrong way. To using maps, firstly, you need to determine your bearing the direction you need to travel or map for spesific place. Use the following procedure to obtain an exact travel direction for you to find the destination. The procedure will work if the magnetic North and South lines are drawn on the map. Not only that, you too must know different from right and left.

This is steps that can help you to use the maps, first steps:
a) Place the compass on the map so that the long edge connects the starting point with the desired destination.
b) Make sure that the direction arrows are pointing from the starting point to the place of destination and not in the opposite way.
c) At this point, if availiable you may want to use the scales on your compass to determine the distance you need to travel.

Second steps:
a) Hold the compass firm on the map in order to keep the base plate steady.
b)Turn the rotating capsule until the North and South lines on the bottom of the capsule are parallel with the North and South lines on the map.
c) Be sure that the North and South arrow on the bottom of the capsulepoints to the same direction as North on the map. It is here you will make adjustments for declination, if necessary.

Third steps:
a) Hold the compass in your hand in front of you. Makesure that the base plate is in horizontal position, and that the direction arrows are pointing straight ahead.
b) Rotate your body until the North-South arrow on the bottom of the capsule lines up with the magnetic needle, and the red end of the needle points in the same direction as the arrow.
c) The directional arrows on the baseplate now show your desired travel direction.

Now that you have determined your necessary bearing, you need to make sure you maintain an accurate bearing. First, you should find a suitable target in the terrain a tree, boulder towards which the direction arrows point. Walk towards the chosen object without looking at your compass. When you reach your target, find a new object that is aligned with your bearing, and repeat the process.

Sometimes the compass capsule may get turned accidentally while you are walking. Remember to check from time to time that the capsule has not deviated from the direction that had been set on the compass. Please to remember the difference between the magnetic needle that always points to the magnetic North Pole and the direction arrows that show the travel direction.

Map will very important when we lost in the jungle. So, you should brings your maps wherever you go and you must understand how to use it.